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Available translated into Welsh here Y Flwyddyn Cadw Gwenyn Beekeeping is a fascinating and rewarding hobby with plenty to learn but for new beekeepers, piecing it all together can be a little daunting. In this book, Lynfa Davies, NDB, walks you through the beekeeping year month by month. She outlines what to expect each month and the key tasks that…
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Available in English here The Beekeeping Year Mae cadw gwenyn yn ddiddordeb hynod ddiddorol a gwerth chweil gyda digonedd i'w ddysgu, ond i'r rhai sy'n dechrau cadw gwenyn o'r newydd, mae dod a phopeth ynghyd yn gallu bod yn anodd. Yn y llyfr hwn, bydd Lynfa Davies, NOB, yn eich tywys drwy flwyddyn o gadw gwenyn fesul mis. Bydd yn…
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Rearing new queens for our colonies is a rewarding and important practice that often gets mis-labelled as too difficult and complicated. This, is simply, not correct and with some planning and attention to detail new queens can be produced at a fraction of the cost that you will pay for them elsewhere. Queen rearing is an organised process where thought…