Honey Show Classes, Goodwin

Honey Show Classes
This book has been written as a guide for everyone involved with honey shows, be it organising, exhibiting or judging. If on the day of the show the book has helped to achieve successful organisation, high standards of exhibiting, well-written and unambiguous honey show schedules, increased interest in honey shows, and more applicants for the BBKA Show Judge certificate, the writing of the book will have been worthwhile.
The chapter on show management is intended as a guide both for large shows and for minor, branch association shows.
When competing in honey shows you should always enter to win. This book explains what is expected of the exhibit in each class and category.
Honey show judging is necessarily evolving with the requirements of modern day-to-day beekeeping. Exam- ples include the exhibition of microscope slides, videos and on-line essays. The judging section is intended for prospec-tive judges starting their exam portfolio or well on the path to becoming qualified Honey Show Judges.
For all the categories there is a list of the equipment the prospective judge should have to hand, an advised method and procedure and the responsibilities and pitfalls of which a prospective honey judge should be aware.