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The Complete Guide to Beekeeping, Evans


The Complete Guide to Beekeeping

Jeremy Evans (In collaboration with Sheila Berrett)
Taxes included.
Bees & Things (2nd ed. 2005)
Hardback / 192 Pages
ISBN 0-9549692-0-0

A comprehensive guide to bees and beekeeping, starting with the novice and ending with the semi-expert! It tells you all you need to know about taking up beekeeping on a small scale.

Starting Beekeeping: When and where; hives and beekeeping equipment; buying secondhand; understanding honeybees.

Siting Your Bees: Selecting a site; hiving your bees; feeding your bees; looking through the hive; avoiding bee stings.

A Thriving Colony: Adding supers; using a queen excluder; how bees forage; the honey flow; taking off honey.

Wintering Down: Preparing and feeding the hive for winter; mice, damp, wax moth and other enemies.

The Second Year: Spring cleaning; getting a second hive; oil seed rape; the 'June gap'; problems with a poor harvest.

Planning Ahead: Keeping the queen in charge; requeening; making a nuc.

Swarming: Why bees swarm; swarms in action; catching and hiving a swarm; drone laying queens and other problems.

The Third Year And Beyond: Three years' beekeeping summary; commercial beekeeping; migratory hives.

Honey Bee Products: Honey for sale; honey for show; honey recipes; making mead; wax extracting; beeswax polish and candles; propolis and medicinal properties.

Honeybee Problems: Killer bees; bee pests and diseases.

Bees in History: Beekeeping from BC to the present century.

Plus - Glossary of beekeeping terms and information packed appendices.

VIEW Contents
  • Introduction
  1. Beekeeping - A 3 Year Cycle
    1. The rule of 3's
    2. A-Z glossary
  2. The First Year: Starting
    1. When and how to start
    2. Beekeeping equipment
    3. The hive
    4. More hives
    5. Hive components
    6. The bees
    7. Honey bees in detail
    8. Protective clothing
    9. Hive and frame construction
    10. Buying secondhand
  3. The First Year: Siting Your Bees
    1. Selecting a site
    2. Installing the hive
    3. Installing the bees
    4. Hiving the bees
    5. Feeding the bees
    6. Going through a hive
    7. Turning the end frames
    8. What to look for / time to add a super
    9. Bee stings / bees and the neighbours
  4. The First Year: A Thriving Colony
    1. When and whether to add supers
    2. The queen excluder
    3. How bees forage
    4. What bees collect
    5. Taking off honey
    6. Spinning or scraping off honey
  5. The First Year: Wintering Down
    1. Feeding in autumn
    2. Battering down
    3. Mid winter care and candy
    4. Troubleshooting
  6. The Second Year: Spring A Wakening
    1. First appearances / moving hives
    2. Spring cleaning
    3. How to spring clean
    4. Queen in the super? / cleaning the gear / acarine mites
    5. Getting a second hive
  7. The Second Year: Lots Of Honey
    1. The early flow
    2. Oil seed rape management
    3. The main flow/the june gap
    4. Problems with a poor harvest
    5. Spraying
  8. The Second Year: Forward Planning
    1. Keeping the queen in charge
    2. Requeening
    3. Making a nuc
    4. Requeening two hives / improving your bees / multiple nucs
  9. The Third Year: The Swarming Year
    1. Why bees swarm
    2. Swarms in action
    3. Catching a swarm
    4. Problems: emergency requeening, etc
  10. The Third Year And Beyond
    1. 3 year's beekeeping summary
    2. Commercial beekeeping
    3. Working migratory hives
  11. The Honeybee's Products
    1. What is honey?
    2. Honey for sale
    3. Honey for show
    4. Honey recipes
    5. Making mead
    6. Wax extraction
    7. Bee's wax and polish
    8. Making candles
    9. Honeybee medicinal products
  12. The Honeybee's Problems
    1. Africanised 'killer bees'
    2. Bee pests and diseases / brood diseases
    3. Other pests and diseases
    4. Africanised 'killer bees'
    5. Bee pests and diseases / brood diseases
    6. Other pests and diseases
  • Bees in History
  • Appendices
  • Index

