The Complete Guide to Beekeeping, Evans

The Complete Guide to Beekeeping
A comprehensive guide to bees and beekeeping, starting with the novice and ending with the semi-expert! It tells you all you need to know about taking up beekeeping on a small scale.
Starting Beekeeping: When and where; hives and beekeeping equipment; buying secondhand; understanding honeybees.
Siting Your Bees: Selecting a site; hiving your bees; feeding your bees; looking through the hive; avoiding bee stings.
A Thriving Colony: Adding supers; using a queen excluder; how bees forage; the honey flow; taking off honey.
Wintering Down: Preparing and feeding the hive for winter; mice, damp, wax moth and other enemies.
The Second Year: Spring cleaning; getting a second hive; oil seed rape; the 'June gap'; problems with a poor harvest.
Planning Ahead: Keeping the queen in charge; requeening; making a nuc.
Swarming: Why bees swarm; swarms in action; catching and hiving a swarm; drone laying queens and other problems.
The Third Year And Beyond: Three years' beekeeping summary; commercial beekeeping; migratory hives.
Honey Bee Products: Honey for sale; honey for show; honey recipes; making mead; wax extracting; beeswax polish and candles; propolis and medicinal properties.
Honeybee Problems: Killer bees; bee pests and diseases.
Bees in History: Beekeeping from BC to the present century.
Plus - Glossary of beekeeping terms and information packed appendices.
VIEW Contents
- Introduction
- Beekeeping - A 3 Year Cycle
- The rule of 3's
- A-Z glossary
- The First Year: Starting
- When and how to start
- Beekeeping equipment
- The hive
- More hives
- Hive components
- The bees
- Honey bees in detail
- Protective clothing
- Hive and frame construction
- Buying secondhand
- The First Year: Siting Your Bees
- Selecting a site
- Installing the hive
- Installing the bees
- Hiving the bees
- Feeding the bees
- Going through a hive
- Turning the end frames
- What to look for / time to add a super
- Bee stings / bees and the neighbours
- The First Year: A Thriving Colony
- When and whether to add supers
- The queen excluder
- How bees forage
- What bees collect
- Taking off honey
- Spinning or scraping off honey
- The First Year: Wintering Down
- Feeding in autumn
- Battering down
- Mid winter care and candy
- Troubleshooting
- The Second Year: Spring A Wakening
- First appearances / moving hives
- Spring cleaning
- How to spring clean
- Queen in the super? / cleaning the gear / acarine mites
- Getting a second hive
- The Second Year: Lots Of Honey
- The early flow
- Oil seed rape management
- The main flow/the june gap
- Problems with a poor harvest
- Spraying
- The Second Year: Forward Planning
- Keeping the queen in charge
- Requeening
- Making a nuc
- Requeening two hives / improving your bees / multiple nucs
- The Third Year: The Swarming Year
- Why bees swarm
- Swarms in action
- Catching a swarm
- Problems: emergency requeening, etc
- The Third Year And Beyond
- 3 year's beekeeping summary
- Commercial beekeeping
- Working migratory hives
- The Honeybee's Products
- What is honey?
- Honey for sale
- Honey for show
- Honey recipes
- Making mead
- Wax extraction
- Bee's wax and polish
- Making candles
- Honeybee medicinal products
- The Honeybee's Problems
- Africanised 'killer bees'
- Bee pests and diseases / brood diseases
- Other pests and diseases
- Africanised 'killer bees'
- Bee pests and diseases / brood diseases
- Other pests and diseases
- Bees in History
- Appendices
- Index