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Feeding Honeybees Throughout the Year

David MacFawn
This book integrates Honey bee feeding into a yearly strategic plan, which has not been done before. To be successful, the beekeeper shou...

Field Notes on Queen Rearing

Oliver Field
This is an updated edition of the talk given by Oliver Field to the Scottish Beekeepers Association in 1998. This new version includes co...


A Practical Guide For Beekeepers In Managing The Asian Hornet
Alan Baxter
Asian Hornets are here to stay, but it’s not the end of the world. It’s not the end of beekeeping. But it could be the end of beekeeping ...

Genetic Priorities for Conservation of Native Honey Bees

Dorian Pritchard
Since Beowulf ’s day the study of honey bee genetics by wing morphometry and DNA analysis has advanced considerably. Meanwhile, many comm...

Good Nutrition, Good Bees

David Aston, Sally Bucknall
The importance of pollinator species to man’s survival and the functioning of the world’s ecosystems is recognised. Environmental and oth...

Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping

Third edition with updated contents
Dewey Caron & Lawrence J. Connor
First released in 1999, Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping is widely accepted as a major textbook of Apiculture. Universities use it to tea...

Honey Bee Disease Identification Cards

Norman Carreck NDB
A practical set of A6 laminated cards intended to be used in the apiary.One card shows healthy brood, the other nine cards depict various...

Honey Bee Drones

Specialists in the Field
Graham Kingham
This book concentrates only on the drone – the male honey bee.It provides details regarding the drone’s internal and external anatomy, pr...

Honey Show Classes

A Guide for Competitors, Organisers and Judges
John Goodwin
This book has been written as a guide for everyone involved with honey shows, be it organising, exhibiting or judging. If on the day of t...

Honeybee Anatomy Brought to Life

Graham Kingham
This book uses photo essays to set out and display the anatomy, internal, external of the honeybee with over 350 detailed micrographs, to...

Keep Bees without Fuss or Chemicals

Maximum Honey Crop With Minimum Disturbance
Joe Bleasdale
This book gives the guiding principles and the step-by-step descriptions of the essential operations for efficient beekeeping. There are ...

Local Queens are Best

How to Simply Rear Your Own
Bruce Henderson Smith
“Richly illustrated with the author’s photographs, there’s a first-hand commentary on what to look for and when just to trust the nurse ...

